The book of Amos is a powerful call to seek justice and righteousness in a world corrupted by power and greed. In Amos 5:6-15, we are urged to seek the Lord, hate evil, love good, and establish justice. This ancient message rings true even in the modern age, offering timely guidance on how we should live, especially in a world where power often leads to oppression. Let’s explore how Amos’s call can shape our understanding of justice, righteousness, and our relationship with God today.

The Call to Seek the Lord (Amos 5:6)
Amos 5:6 opens with a straightforward command: “Seek the Lord and live.” This is more than a suggestion—it’s a warning. If the people of Israel fail to turn back to God, they face destruction. The prophet paints a vivid image of God’s judgment as a consuming fire that could sweep through the house of Joseph and devour even the religious center of Bethel.
This message isn’t confined to ancient Israel. The call to seek the Lord is just as urgent for us today. We live in a time when society rejects the values of justice, mercy, and righteousness. Amos’s words serve as a reminder that life—true, meaningful life—can only be found in God.
For more on how seeking God leads to life, check out our reflection on the concept of Waiting For Divine Redemption.
The Poison of Corruption (Amos 5:7-9)
Amos doesn’t shy away from addressing the systemic corruption of his time. “Doom to you who turn justice into poison,” he says, condemning those who pervert justice and crush the weak under the weight of their power. The rulers of Israel had been given the sacred task of leading with righteousness, yet they were doing the opposite, oppressing the poor for their own gain.
Amos goes on to praise God as the creator of the universe, the one who made the stars, turns darkness into light, and commands the seas. But even this majestic creator can bring down the proud. The strong and powerful will not escape God’s justice when they abuse their authority.
This stark contrast between God’s righteousness and human corruption is timeless. Whether in ancient Israel or the 21st century, power still corrupts. Leaders—whether political, religious, or corporate—can easily fall into the trap of using their position to exploit others. Amos reminds us that God’s justice will not overlook the abuse of power.
The Despair of Injustice (Amos 5:10-13)
In verses 10-13, Amos describes a society that hates truth and justice. “They hate the one who judges at the city gate, and they reject the one who speaks the truth.” Injustice reigns as the poor are exploited and the righteous are silenced. The powerful build grand houses and plant vineyards, but they will never enjoy them. Their ill-gotten gains will not last.
Amos’s words are a sobering reflection of our world today. Corruption still leads to injustice, and those who seek the truth or stand up for the marginalized are often ridiculed or rejected. The challenge, then, is for us to remain steadfast in our commitment to truth and justice, even when it seems that corruption is overwhelming.
For a deeper exploration of standing up for truth in today’s society, you might find our discussion on Christian Integrity in a Corrupt World helpful.
A Path of Redemption: Seek Good, Hate Evil (Amos 5:14-15)
Despite the grim warnings, Amos offers a message of hope. “Seek good and not evil, that you may live,” he says, offering a path to redemption. By hating evil and loving good, the people of Israel could restore justice at the city gate and perhaps find God’s favor once again.

This call to seek good and hate evil is just as relevant today. We are called to resist the temptation of revenge, to reject the darkness of hatred, and to instead pursue righteousness and love. Even in the face of injustice, we must remember Jesus’s command to love our enemies, to pray for those who persecute us, and to embody the light in a dark world.
For practical insights on applying this message in modern times, consider reading Mercy Not Sacrifice, And The Power Of Wisdom which speaks to how mercy and love can break cycles of revenge.
Power Corrupts: A Lesson for Leaders
Amos’s critique is particularly relevant to those in power. “For every 10,000 men who can handle adversity, only one can handle success,” goes a famous saying. Power blinds its victims, corrupting even those with the best intentions. Leaders in every realm—whether in government, business, or religion—must guard against the allure of power that leads to oppression.
Amos highlights the wrongdoings of Israel’s leaders: instead of protecting the poor, they exploit them. This failure is not only moral but spiritual. When leaders abuse their power, they lose touch with the God who gave them that authority in the first place. But the solution is clear: seek the Lord, seek good, and hate evil. Justice requires action, and true leadership requires humility before God.

For more on the dangers of power, explore When Power Becomes a Trap, which discusses how even the most well-intentioned leaders can fall prey to corruption.
A 21st Century Disciple: Living in the Light
For followers of Christ today, the message of Amos can feel daunting. Are we left with only two choices: oppressed or oppressor? What does it mean to live as a fully committed Christian in a world that often seems at odds with the values of justice and mercy?
We are called to engage with the world but not be corrupted by it. We are to love our neighbors, pursue justice, and be the light in the darkness. This doesn’t mean isolating ourselves from society, but rather living in a way that reflects Christ’s love and compassion. As Amos says, we must wake up each day and seek the Lord, seek good.
Where we found the Lord yesterday may not be where we find Him today. Each day brings a new opportunity to seek His presence and bring His light into the world.
Conclusion: Start with Simple Instructions
Amos’s message is clear: avoid corruption by following simple instructions. Seek the Lord, seek good, and love others without regard for the cost. Power over others begins with power over ourselves—by choosing each day to follow God’s commands and pursue righteousness in all we do. In doing so, we avoid the temptation of power, and instead, live in the light of God’s justice and love.
Let Amos’s ancient call be your guide in a world that still struggles with corruption. Start with the simple steps: seek the Lord and live.