Do women love better than men?
Why is it that the wisdom literature is given a female voice. Though the author of proverbs is largely thought to be Solomon. Ecclesiastes is as well. Yet Wisdom is personified as a female. Are women more acclimated to being wise? And what about Song of Songs. Is that not primarily from a female voice? So wisdom and love are both female. Do women love better than men?

What do men contribute? The examples of faith are both men and women. So when it comes to guys, what are we contributing? We muck things up a good bit but we get things done so there’s that. This doesn’t mean that men aren’t wise or loving. Solomon was renown for his wisdom and Jesus loved to the point of death. And it doesn’t mean that women don’t get things done either. Rahab. Esther. Mary.
After making Adam, God realized that he is not gonna make it on his own. So the solution to that problem…enter Eve. The two halves make up one whole so as to reflect the image of God. The problem we see…or don’t see, is that men are physically stronger and can bully their way through.

God didn’t give us physical strength so that those who are physically strongest will rule. He gave us our physical strength as a way to love. 1Cor. 13 tells us that love always protects. Our physical strength is a way of protecting and providing for those we love. Yet it is a lesson that we have yet to learn.
We still as people, and nations continue to dominate others simply because we are stronger than them. I like the ideal that the US embodies that we as a leading super power have a responsibility to protect smaller and weaker countries. We can of course do a better job but I love that we at least try. God is the almighty. Our strength is nothing compared to His. God doesn’t bully us. God gives us free will and despite how some people interpret scripture, God doesn’t smite us for our wrong doings.

Jesus didn’t have the power to forgive sins, He came to tell us that our sins were forgiven. God uses his mighty power to show us his love for us by enduring the cross. He endured all that we threw at him, even our killing Him and yet, after a nice 3 day nap, he got up and said, “Hey, lets talk about what just happened”. The cross shows us that our physical strength is not given so that we dominate and take revenge on our enemies. It is to endure the suffering that comes with loving others.
Perhaps we need both strength and wisdom to love like God loves.