Aaron’s Oily Beard

Psalm 133

1 Oh, how good and pleasant it is, *
when brethren live together in unity!

2 It is like fine oil upon the head *
that runs down upon the beard,

3 Upon the beard of Aaron, *
and runs down upon the collar of his robe.

4 It is like the dew of Hermon *
that falls upon the hills of Zion.

Short psalm but what is it saying. It is making comparisons that are no longer relevant to us today so in order for me to understand the point the psalmist is making, I need to understand the comparisons.
Also, psalms 120-137 are called psalms of ascent. These psalms of ascent are thought to be used in celebrations when Israelites would make their pilgrimage to Zion or Jerusalem. They are also thought to represent the 15 stairs leading up to the temple.
So it seems that the word brethren is referring to all Israel even though it is in the masculine form. Kind of like using the word man to represent both male and female species of humankind.
It is being used at a celebration to say how great it is when the nation of Israel is unified, celebrating together. Living at peace with one another. For us right now as a nation, we are not unified at all. Because politicians rely on a partisan system, they want us divided so they can capture votes to secure their careers. We are experiencing what it is like to live not in unity but divided. So when it talks about how great it is to live in unity as a country, we can relate because we are not that way.
It makes two comparisons that are hard for us to relate to:

  • fine oil that a priest would be anointed with
  • dew of Hermon

One observation is that it is not just comparing it to oil or dew. It seems to be more specifically pointing to the movement of these two liquids. Both are moving downward.

  • runs down
  • runs down
  • falls upon

I wonder if that is intended to illustrate the generosity, abundance, and overflowing of goodness. Whether it is a nation, a family, a community or any group that is living in unity, there is a sense of prosperity and abundance. Perhaps speaking towards the opposite:
Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife. Proverbs 2:19
When there is strife and conflict in our lives within our own families and households, it can be miserable. When isolation offers the only peace we can experience, life is bad. But unity with others offers greater peace along with joy and strength and honor and even holiness.
Aaron as a priest was anointed by Moses. This is perhaps what is being spoken of here. Telling us that unity is to be recognized and it provides abundance almost seeming wasteful. Or the Dew of Mount Hermon was so plentiful it couldn’t be contained and worked its way down to the dry land of Mount Zion.
Isolating and being alone will never provide us with the blessings that God gives through community. Community is harder but the rewards, from God, overflow as we work things out and value unity. When relationships cannot be worked out and isolating to the “corner of a roof” is better than living in strife, we weren’t meant to stay there. Living in unity and harmony with our tribe is where God’s blessings are v3. Trying to follow Christ, He will continue to lead me towards community not away from it. It is my fears that lead me to being alone. Christ is not on the path of least resistance. Jesus did not isolate himself ever except to pray.

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